
なお、お客様の健康と安全ならびに公衆衛生を考慮し、ホテルスタッフにおきましてマスクを着用させていただいております。お客様には、何卒ご理解、ご協力賜りますよう お願い申し上げます。
ホテル天坊では新型コロナウイルスによる感染拡大の状況をふまえ、お客様に安心して ホテルをご利用いただけますよう、下記の取り組みを実施しております。
- 業務中は、頻繁にスタッフの手洗いを励行いたします。
- 出退勤時の手指の消毒、検温等の健康状態を記録いたします。
- 発熱や咳などの症状があるなど体調不良者の出勤自粛と業務の就業前に必ず医療機関を受診します。
- スタッフはマスクを着用し業務を行います。
- ホテルのパブリックスペース・食事会場等の消毒剤による消毒を励行します。
In Response to the Novel Coronavirus.
Updates Regarding COVID-19 for all our guests and employees, may we request your cooperation as follows.
- Please feel free to use the antiseptic dispensers placed at various locations throughout the hotel, including the restaurants.
- Please notify your nearest hotel staff if you are not feeling well.
- Please note that hotel staff will be wearing surgical masks during their work.
Thank you for your understandings and cooperation.
Efforts at Hotel Tenbo
We at Hotel Tenbo are making all possible efforts to minimize risks regarding COVID-19, for all our guests and employees. The following are a few examples of specific measures we are taking.
- Encouraging and exercising frequent hand washing.
- Sanitizing hands when arriving at and leaving from work. And monitoring of health conditions such as body temperature,etc.
- Not working when showing sings of illness such as fever or .
- Use of masks when on duty.
- Disinfecting of the public spaces and restaurants.
Hotel Tenbo will continue to follow updates from government authorities and take all possible precautions for the containment of situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your kind understanding.

We ask for cooperation in disinfecting of your hands when entering the building.

Along with admission, the temperature is automatically measured with a thermal camera.
*A warning tone will sound when the temperature is 37.5℃ or higher.

Lobby staff wear masks and carry disinfectant sprays to disinfect handrails and doorknobs.

Check-in will confirm the details of your reservation and complete the procedure.
We ask all guests present a form of identification.
(Driver’s license, Health insurance Card, Individual Number card etc.) No sign is required for a while to prevent infection.

We will pass our hotel guest a sterilized room key. For reasons to prevent infection, please bring your room key until check-out.

A maximum of 4 persons can use the elevator at one time.

Table and seating layout has been rearranged to provide sufficient distance between table and table.

Buffet-style breakfast and dinner dishes are separated by one for each plate using wrap.

We have been regularly ventilate the inside and outside of the hotel.

Encouraging and exercising frequent hand washing.

At the employee entrance, we measure the temperature of our employees on a daily basis and check their health.

We may place restrictions on the number of persons who can use the public bath.
上記以外の時間は診療相談 TEL:027-223-1111